City Youth #Challenge: How to organize a co-working event for young people - Gamified model to organize a two-day event on entrepreneurship - Manual

 The ideas kit. Kit for animators to facilitate sessions of collective creativity - Guidebook

Facilitation tools and collective intelligence. Kit for animators to stimulate group dynamics and creativity into a large group - Guidebook

Money Grows on Trees. Guidebook for the setting up of cooperatives by youth organizations

YOUrope needs YOU!: presentation of a project focused on leadership skills

Policy Brief on Access to Business Start-up Finance for Inclusive Entrepreneurship

Europe on Track: Report from a EU project, providing youth EU recommendations on entrepreneurship 

Advocacy kit "SUCCESS!": Game to raise awareness about social entrepreneurship and cooperation - Guidebook



The resilience of cooperatives to the crisis - Video

What is a co-operative?: Video providing basic understanding about coops

Undertake together otherwise: Video presenting the cooperative model through experience sharing from entrepreneurs 

The electric cooperative story: Video on US energy cooperatives

What is a cooperative?: Video to inspire young entrepreneurs and students, and inform them about coops 

Why a co-op?: Video to present the coop model to (potential) entrepreneurs

The Guru Book



CoopStartUp guide: Guide on starting up a cooperative 

Simply Governance: Guidebook to set up an appropriate cooperative governance 

iCareCoops - Foundation Guide: Guidebook for the setting up of care cooperatives

Start Up: Audio podcast as experience sharing from a US entrepreneur



Simply Start Up: Guidebook providing guidance for the setting up of cooperatives

Social Business Plan: Guide to draft a social business plan, in order to put an idea into practice - Methodological guide

The Hive - Setting up a co-operative: Webiste aimed at providing basic information in the process of setting up a coop

How to set up a workers' co-op: Guidebook for the setting up of coops in the UK 

Busines Plan Spreadsheet: Excel template aimed at helping entrepreneurs to make their business plan

Business Description Document: Word template aimed at helping entrepreneurs to present their business